590 Mile Walking Goal Day 2

590 Mile Walking Goal Day 2



Update of day 1 walking goal.

Yesterday I completed 3, 30 minute walks, plus walked several laps around a mega grocery store.


  • Distance – 6 miles
  • Steps – 14,393
  • Active calories burned – 478

To acquire these statistics, I’m using the Health App on my iPhone.  I find this app to be reliable and accurate.  Another great app is Map My Walk.

I would use Map My Walk, as although the Health App is good, Map My Walk is great.  However, I don’t want it running in the background all the time as it uses GPS tracking and that just runs the battery down too fast.  So just dong the best I can.

I hope you have set a goal and are walking along with me.

Make it a beatuiful day Friends,


590 Mile Walking Goal Day 2

590 Mile Walking Goal Day 1

I’ve set a walking goal of 590 miles before my 59th birthday in August.  I am doing this both for my health as well as to help be physically prepared for our travel adventures this summer.

To reach my goal, I will need to walk almost four miles a day, every day.  Somedays I may walk more and somedays less, but 590 miles is the goal.

So I have som accountability, I plan to share my journey with you.  Perhaps you can set a walking goal for yourself and walk along with me.

Today is day 1.  I’m using the health app on my phone to record the distance I walk.  I have found it to be very accurate.  Another option is the Map my Walk app on my phone.

Tomorrow I’ll check back in and let you know how I did.

Have a beautiful living phase 2 day friends,


New Life on the Farm

New Life on the Farm

daughter with new grandson

Mike and I took a trip down to Texas as our daughter and son-in-law have given us our third grand baby.  We have three grandsons now!

Baby lamb

They live on a farm with 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 cows, 9 sheep and too many chickens, turkeys and geese to count.  They raise and sell both eggs and chicks.  It is a fun and exciting place to be on the spring.  Not only do we have an new grandson, there are many new babies on the farm.

Life on the farm

Living the empty nest, phase 2 life is honestly the best.  Even though Mike and I are not yet retired and still run our own business, it is running well with an amazing team which enables us to travel and enjoy our blessings.

Baby chicks

Baby goslingIncubating goose eggs

Have a beautiful day friends and enjoy living in phase 2.


New life on the farm


Grandbaby Update

Grandbaby Update

We had a big birthday celebration at our house as the twins are turning 1 in just a few days.  They are not walking alone yet, but walking along the furniture and meeting all their milestones.

Twins age 1

An update on Levi with his cleft.  He goes in this week for the cleft palate repair.  Currently he does not take anything by mouth.  His feedings are through a g-tube in his stomach.  We are all very hopeful that once he has healed from the palate repair, he will go through intensive feeding therapy and learn to eat.  Then the g-tube will be able to be removed.

More exciting news.  We had all the family home for the birthday party.  Katie andher husband flew in from Dallas.  Tim and his fiance visited from the other side of the state.  And we brought mom here from her assisted living apartment. 

Gender Reveal

But, it was more than a birthday party, it was a gender reveal as well.  Both Katie and Emily are expecting!  They are just weeks apart with Katie due in March and Emily due in April.  

So here are the results………Katie and Chris will be having a boy!  Emily and Matt will be having a girl!

What an eventful day friends.  It will be a busy 2023 for sure.  So many blessings and God is so good.

Live life fully in Phase 2 friends,


Learning Low Carb Living

Learning Low Carb Living

I’m working at low carb living.  Friends, ever since I had my three babies years, YEARS ago I’ve wanted to get to a weight I’ve felt to be reasonable.  For me, that humber on the scales represents health.  I’d get there, and go up.  Get there again and then go back up.  Over and over and over and over.  I’ve tried numerous things, Weight Watchers always being my go to program.  I’ve always felt like I knew what I was doing.  I knew how to make my weight go down and I knew why it would go up.  But was I really eating “healthy”?  And as I’ve gotten older, why is it harder for the weight to go down?

Over time, I’ve learned more and more of what foods I should and should not be eating.  I’ve learned even “healthy” grains are not so healthy for me.  I feel I’ve made myself insulin resistant with my poor food choices over all the years.   Some of those poor food choices where taught to us as being healthy choices!  We have been taught wrong.

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily take up glucose from your blood. As a result, your pancreas makes even more insulin to help glucose enter your cells.

Finally, I feel like I am addicted to sugar.

On a positive note, I do feel that I can change and heal my body through diet and exercise.  The one thing I don’t care for is to track my foods or my macros and calories.

“Macros” is short for macronutrient. Macronutrients are the three categories of nutrients you eat the most and provide you with most of your energy: protein, carbohydrates and fats.

That said, I’ve heard the quote, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.”  I know I need to measure and track.  So for this week, I WILL measure and track what I am eating to see just how many carbohydrates, fats, proteins and calories I am eating.  I will also track my weight as well as how I feel.  Right now, I’m ok if I don’t follow a KETO diet.  I want to mainly stay low carb and see if I can get my body back to normal and then keep it normal.  After a week, I will re-evaluate where I am on my journey and decide what changes I need to make.

Please follow along with my journey.  I’ll share the up’s and down’s of it.  When I run across some amazing recipes I will share them here.

But the ultimate goal is health.  My ultimate goal is to stay Live in Phase 2 as long as possible before moving into Phase 3 (where our health declines).

If you’ve found something that works well for you, I’d love to hear.

Live life healthy,


Empty Nest to Full Nest Unexpectedly

Empty Nest to Full Nest Unexpectedly

As those of you who have watched us on Youtube and follow our blog here, you know we are all about living a full life after we become empty nesters.

Well life has happened, and our daughter’s family had a tragic fire, and they will be displaced for at least 6 months while their house is rebuilt. So, we now are hosting their family at our house. The most important thing is everyone in the family is safe and well, but we now have a whole house full, including two new baby twins as well as them. Here we discuss transitioning from empty to full nest and the impact one our lives.

Oh, and if anyone is wondering, yes we showed this video to our daughter’s and her husband and there were OK with us posting this story. 🙂

Mike and Nancy

We had a “Grand” Easter

We had a “Grand” Easter

Grand Bunnies

Easter is one of our favorite holidays.  I personally enjoy the day as we go to church in the morning and then have an afternoon filled with family fun.  We had four generations at our house this Easter and it was a grand Easter spending it with the “grand-bunnies!”

Tim Emily and mom

We were only missing our oldest daughter who Lives down in Texas with her husband.  We did bring my mother to our house from the assisted living apartment where she resides.

four generations

I spent two days cooking and the food was wonderful and we feasted on baked ham, Texas potatoes, green beans, spinach-strawberry salad, deviled eggs, fruit salad, carrot croissants and bunny cupcakes and cookies.  Yum!

Bunny cupcake and bunny cookies

The little bunny butts are a frosted oreo cookie with white sprinkles.  Feet and tail are from Wilton.

Croissant Carrots

I made a video on how to make these fun croissant carrots which you can see here.


I hope you had a very Happy Easter Friends.

Make it a beautiful day!


Grand Bunnies Back Side

Easter Layered Cookies in a Jar

Easter Layered Cookies in a Jar

Hi Friends,

I enjoy cooking and doing machine embroidery.  It is part of my leisure life that I want to share with you.  Today I am making an Easter Layered Cookies in a Jar recipe.  Then I’m decorating the mason jar with a cute, personal embroidery design.  This is what I’m doing to get ready for Easter by doing a bit of gift-giving preparations for the family.

Before I get going, I’m going to post the YouTube video here so you can see how the layers go together.  This video is published on my personal YouTube channel.

For all who are coming over for our Easter meal they will get a personalized layered cookie mix in a jar.

Below I’ve given all the instructions on how to create these fun gifts.  If you don’t do machine embroidery, just cut a 5 1/2″ circle out of some colorful cotton fabric to decorate the top of the mason jar.

Cookie Mix in a jar

Easter Layered Cookies in a Jar

  • 1 ¼ cup quick-cooking oats
  • 1 ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup chopped pecans**
  • 1 cup M&M’s (I’ve used the pastel Easter ones here)
  • ½ cup packed light brown sugar
  • ½ cup sugar
Additional ingredients:
  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 1 extra large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Layer the ingredients in order listed into a 1 quart wide mouth canning jar starting with the oats.  If you have a canning funnel, that is helpful.  Pack the ingredients as you go.  The top layer will be the sugar.

Place the lid on the jar.  I decorated a piece of cotton fabric with my Easter Mason Jar Alphabet machine embroidery design which you can find here.  As a side note, this design fits in a 4 x 4 hoop and contains all alphabet letters.

After machine embroidering the design, I cut it into a 5 ½” circle using my pinking shears.

To make the cookies:
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Beat together butter, egg and vanilla.
  • Add dry ingredients and mix on low speed or mix by hand.
  • Roll into 1” balls and place on a cookie sheet 2” apart.
  • Flatten balls using the bottom of a glass.
  • Bake for 12 to 13 minutes.
  • Let cool for just a minute before removing from the cookie sheet.
  • Enjoy!

Cowboy cookies for Eastercowboy cookiesEaster cookies

For gift giving:

Include a note with the jar that lists the liquid ingredients that the recipient will need to provide as well as mixing and baking instructions.

When I make mine, I line up the number of canning jars I’m going to create and then make these in assembly line fashion.

They are so much fun to make and it creates the most charming gift.



layered cookies in a jar

Grandbabies Update

Grandbabies Update

Hi Friends,

It’s been a bit and it is time for a baby update on the grandbabies.  They are growing steadily.  Levi, on the left, is 12 pounds and Hudson, right, is 14 pounds.  

laryngotracheal cleft

Little Levi has been having minor struggles.  He continues to use his NG tube for feedings.  It was discovered he has a third cleft between called a laryngotracheal cleft which is an opening between the larnyx and the esophagus which can allow food to go into his lungs.  The good news is that Levi had his second surgery and they were able to put a patch in that opening.  We are hopeful that after this next doctor’s visit, he will be able to take his feedings with a bottle.  Levi’s first surgery was cosmetic to repair the lip and nostril.  Here is our daughter Emily with Levi during recovery.

Both are happy little guys and will give us big belly laughs in response to our silliness.  Thank you for your continued prayers for this little one.  We know God has big plans for him.  Correction, God has big plans for them both.

Have a blessed and beautiful Sunday ,


Home from a Cruise

Home from a Cruise

Living in the second phase of life has given us an opportunity to do more traveling which is something Mike and I have always enjoyed.  Back in 1988 we went on a Royal Caribbean cruise for our honeymoon.  We have just now returned from another Royal Caribbean cruise down in the Caribbean.  We were on Odyssey of the Seas and went to Cozumel, Costa Maya and the Bahamas.  The weather wasn’t the most cooperative on this trip as we were unable to get off the ship in Costa Maya due to the high sea swells.  They weren’t able to lower the gangway.  So the captain turned the ship around and we had another sea day.  Honestly, I like our sea days a lot.  They are the most relaxing and relaxing is what I like for a vacation.  

Odyssey of the Seas is one of the newer ships and it had some fun aminities.  Mike and I got to do an imersive virtual reality experience.  I’d never done anything like that, but we wore the full gear on our heads, back, hands and feet.  We were pirates in this experience and it was unbelieveably realistic.  Even though I knew we were in a room with a floor and four walls, there was a point where we had to walk across a virtual plank of wood to get from one place to another without falling off.  There were times we had to duck or walk through a narrow tunnel.  Crazy.  I can see the future of video games for our grandchildren will be very different. 

Odyssey of the Seas has a North Star experience which is a large ball that holds about a dozen people at a time.  It lifts you high above the ship so you can view the surrounding area.  The picture above shows us in the North Star.

The entertainment on board was amazing.  They had a couple of commedians, a singer and some great musicians.

Other things we did on the ship were ride bumper cars – I didn’t remember being that fun but we had a great time.  We played pickleball, went swimming, lots of reading, visited with others on board, and ate way too much.

Mike and I have some videos coming up that will be showing some tips and trick that we do while crusing.

It always feels good to get away for a bit, but it is always good to be back home.

Make it a great day everyone,


Layered Cookie Mix in a Jar

Layered Cookie Mix in a Jar

Layered cookie mix in a jar

Layered cookies in a jar are quick easy and fun to make.  And they are delicious too!  I’ve been getting ready for Easter by making these for all who will be coming over for dinner Easter Sunday.  When I have a little more time on my hands, it is fun to get back into the creative side of things.  I absolutely LOVE making food gifts for others.  Below is my version of the Cowboy cookie recipe.  I’ve used the pastel M&M’s for Easter, but you could use other colors at other times of the year as well.

Layered Cookies in a Jar

  • 1 ¼ cup quick-cooking oats
  • 1 ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup chopped pecans**
  • 1 cup M&M’s (I’ve used the pastel Easter ones here)
  • ½ cup packed light brown sugar
  • ½ cup sugar
Additional ingredients:
  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 1 extra large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Layer the ingredients in order listed into a 1 quart wide mouth canning jar starting with the oats.  If you have a canning funnel, that is helpful.  Pack the ingredients as you go.  The top layer will be the sugar.

Place the lid on the jar.  I decorated a piece of cotton fabric with my Easter Mason Jar Alphabet machine embroidery design which you can find here.  As a side note, this design fits in a 4 x 4 hoop and contains all alphabet letters.

After machine embroidering the design, I cut it into a 5 ½” circle using my pinking shears.

machine embroidery Easter design

To make the cookies:
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Beat together butter, egg and vanilla.
  • Add dry ingredients and mix on low speed or mix by hand.
  • Roll into 1” balls and place on a cookie sheet 2” apart.
  • Flatten balls using the bottom of a glass.
  • Bake for 12 to 13 minutes.
  • Let cool for just a minute before removing from the cookie sheet.
  • Enjoy!

Cookie Mix ready to bake

Rolled cookies

flattened cookies prior to baking

For gift giving:

Include a note with the jar that lists the liquid ingredients that the recipient will need to provide as well as mixing and baking instructions.

When I make mine, I line up the number of canning jars I’m going to create and then make these in assembly line fashion.

They are so much fun to make and it creates the most charming gift.

layered cookies in a jar

When I make mine, I line up the required number of wide mouth quart mason jars that I need and put these together in an assembly line fashion.  It goes quick and easy.  Have your grandchildren help build these and enjoy munching on a few M&M’s in the process!



Favorite February Moment

Favorite February Moment

Before cleft lip and palate surgery

What a blessing to live close to our grandchildren.  They bring us so much joy.

At four months old, our little Levi had his first surgery for his cleft lip and palate.  This surgery was all cosmetic to bring his lips together and build a nostril.  Levi actually has a third cleft called a laryngeal cleft which is an abnormal opening between the larnyx and esophagus which food and liquid can pass through the larnyx into the lungs.  This is why he has to have the NG tube through is nose.  It is how he gets his feedings.  I get to give him the first feeding of the day on most weekdays before I head into Apple Spice.  The photo above is the day before his surgery and now you can see him after the repair.

Let me tell you, Levi is such a happy little guy.  He wakes up smiling and the tube doesn’t seem to bother his in the least.  There is nothing better than to start my day off with baby snuggles.

After cleft lip repair

My favorite February moment is that Levi had his first, of numerous, surgeries for his cleft lip.  I am amazed at how well the repair went.  I am so grateful for his surgeon and all of the cleft team that are involved in his care.  God is good and I know He has big plans for this little guy.  So getting is facial repair….that was my favorite February moment.

I’d love to hear your favorite February moments.  Leave a comment down below and let me know.

Make it a great day friends!


Our Introduction Video

Our Introduction Video

Hi Friends,

There is so much to share about Living Phase 2.  And as they say, sometime a picture is worth a thousand words.  Well, sometimes a video can ‘show’ what we want to talk about better than the written word.

Living Phase 2 has a YouTube channel and we will be consistently adding more content over there.  You can find the Living Phase 2 YouTube channel HERE.

The videos will give you an even greater opportunity to get to know us.  While you are there, we thank you for liking the videos you watch and please subscribe so you will be notified each time a new video is released.

Our first video is our introduction where we tell a bit about ourselves.  We also discuss the phases of life and our intent for our Living Phase 2 website and the content we will cover.

You may also find our WELCOME PAGE HERE.

Thank you friends and know we appreciate each and every one of you.

Mike and Nancy

Happenings Over the Weekend

Happenings Over the Weekend

Babysitting the Grand dogs

Weekends are such a blessing.  Mike continues to work full time on our business, Apple Spice.  I, however, have cut back to 4 days a week most weeks so about 30 hours a week for me.  So weekends give us a chance to unwind and recharge.

We spent this weekend with Mike working on the snow plow and me doing some menu planning and creating a shopping list for this next week.  We went to church and had dinner with our daughter Emily and her family.  Family brings us so much joy.  Emily and Matt have twin boys who are four months old.  One of the little guys has a cleft lip and palate.  He also has a third cleft between his esophagus and thorax which is why he requires an NG tube for his feedings at this time.

Feeding the grandbaby

Often times before heading into Apple Spice I will help Emily by doing this little guy’s morning feeding.  So while having dinner with them I had the opportunity to do his evening feeding.  He has had his initial surgery just over a week ago and the surgeon closed his lip and created a nostril.  In about seven weeks he will have a patch inserted into the cleft between his esophagus and thorax.  We are hopeful that at that time they will be able to remove the NG tube.

Since his surgery, we have been babysitting their dogs, so we say we are babysitting the grand dogs, and boy do the grand dogs like attention!

I hope your weekend was as recharging as ours was and that you have an amazing week!


Spring is Coming

Spring is Coming

What a happy day that although the snow continues to come down, we caught our first glimpse of spring with robins feasting on seeds from our red bud tree.  I know up north we will continue to have snow for a while with many dreary days but despite that, spring is on its way.  The first day of spring is in 31 days.

It is so important to keep our spirits lifted throughout winter and seeing God’s beauty in these tiny animals while giving thanks lightens our heart and minds.

Spring is a sign of new life.  It is a sign that God fulfills His promises and gives us hope to renew and begin again.  I pause to think of the areas in my life I need to renew and I’m filled with gratefulness for God’s mercies and understanding.  I am grateful that I’m given a chance to begin again.

May each of you see beauty in your corner of the world today and know that spring with its new beginnings is on its way.


Enjoying Wordle

Enjoying Wordle


Our children have introduced us to Wordle from the New York Times.  It is a web-based word game where players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position.  It reminds me of a game I played as a child called Mastermind.  

Mastermind Game

The nice thing about Wordle is there is only one game a day and the game can be played in under 10 minutes.  And I must say, it is fun!

Both Wordle and Mastermind are good brain games as they use logic and strategy to discover the solution.

Have a great day everyone!


Welcome to Living Phase 2

Welcome to Living Phase 2

Hello and welcome to Living Phase 2.  We’re so glad you are here and look forward to sharing our journey as well as bringing you valuable information related to living in the second phase of life.  We’re Mike and Nancy Jacobs and the best way to learn more about us by going to our OUR STORY PAGE.

To begin with, let’s discuss what we consider the Phase 2 of life.  We look at Phase 2 as being the transition of focusing on an early career and children to a later career and empty nest.  Our focus now turns to retirement and financial security.  Family dynamics change with the addition of grandchildren as well as aging parents.   We have the ability to really enjoy life and contribute to society with time available to volunteer and do other charitable activities.  Change is happening which creates in us an instinct of truly appreciating each day and living life fully without mundaneness and minimizing mediocrity.

As we navigate this phase of life, gathering information related to this stage has become a passion for us.  It is our intent to be a resource and share with you news and information related to this stage of life as well as let you into our lives so you may see how we are Living Phase 2.

You may find our Introduction Video HERE.

Come join our journey as we live in an empty nest and a full life.