590 Mile Walking Goals for Health and Fitness Week 1 Update

First week update of 590 mile walking goals for health and fitness.

There were things that went well throughout this first week and things that didn’t.

I give my thoughts on what went well, what didn’t and lesson’s learned.

Overall, I’m very happy with the way the week went.  On to week two now and I’m off for a walk.

Make it a beautiful day. 


590 Mile Walking Goal Day 2

590 Mile Walking Goal Day 2



Update of day 1 walking goal.

Yesterday I completed 3, 30 minute walks, plus walked several laps around a mega grocery store.


  • Distance – 6 miles
  • Steps – 14,393
  • Active calories burned – 478

To acquire these statistics, I’m using the Health App on my iPhone.  I find this app to be reliable and accurate.  Another great app is Map My Walk.

I would use Map My Walk, as although the Health App is good, Map My Walk is great.  However, I don’t want it running in the background all the time as it uses GPS tracking and that just runs the battery down too fast.  So just dong the best I can.

I hope you have set a goal and are walking along with me.

Make it a beatuiful day Friends,


590 Mile Walking Goal Day 2

590 Mile Walking Goal Day 1

I’ve set a walking goal of 590 miles before my 59th birthday in August.  I am doing this both for my health as well as to help be physically prepared for our travel adventures this summer.

To reach my goal, I will need to walk almost four miles a day, every day.  Somedays I may walk more and somedays less, but 590 miles is the goal.

So I have som accountability, I plan to share my journey with you.  Perhaps you can set a walking goal for yourself and walk along with me.

Today is day 1.  I’m using the health app on my phone to record the distance I walk.  I have found it to be very accurate.  Another option is the Map my Walk app on my phone.

Tomorrow I’ll check back in and let you know how I did.

Have a beautiful living phase 2 day friends,
