Highs and Lows of Life in Phase 2

Highs and Lows of Life in Phase 2

Highs and Lows. Grief and Loss. It is part of Phase 2.

We have recently experienced the terrible lows of life’s grief and loss followed in the same week by incredibly joy and highs of life. Recently, in the same week Nancy lost her mother, after a long struggle in hospice and then 7 days later, our youngest child got married.  See the video above to hear our story.

That is Phase 2 of life in a nutshell. You have lots of highs and lows. You can have a new grandchild born, then your family can experience a tragedy. The most important thing is as life throws these highs and lows at you that you don’t get stuck in the lows. Understand these will pass and there will me good times ahead.

If you are feeling overwelled there are resources available.  First talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. Don’t keep it to yourself. You can talk to your faith leader, spouse, friends, or anyone you trust. 

National suicide hotline: Call 988 on your cell phone across the US.

Friends, enjoy your highs and work through your lows.  We wish you all the best through these times of your life.

Have a beautiful day,

Mike and Nancy

New Life on the Farm

New Life on the Farm

daughter with new grandson

Mike and I took a trip down to Texas as our daughter and son-in-law have given us our third grand baby.  We have three grandsons now!

Baby lamb

They live on a farm with 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 cows, 9 sheep and too many chickens, turkeys and geese to count.  They raise and sell both eggs and chicks.  It is a fun and exciting place to be on the spring.  Not only do we have an new grandson, there are many new babies on the farm.

Life on the farm

Living the empty nest, phase 2 life is honestly the best.  Even though Mike and I are not yet retired and still run our own business, it is running well with an amazing team which enables us to travel and enjoy our blessings.

Baby chicks

Baby goslingIncubating goose eggs

Have a beautiful day friends and enjoy living in phase 2.


New life on the farm


What’s Coming Up in 2023

What’s Coming Up in 2023


As you all know, a new year is a time for us to review our goals and plans.  And for us, 2023 is going to be a full year.  I thought I’d share with you what we have coming up.  

  • 3 Cruises are Scheduled, one in January, July and December
  • Grandbaby #3 coming in March
  • Grandbaby #4 coming in April
  • Gaining a daughter-in-law, wedding in July
  • Currently planning to judge 8 barbeque contests
  • Sharing our story with our franchise we own coming to YouTube and this website in February and March
  • Eat clean with limited processed foods and sugar
  • Move my body 5 times a week
  • Meal plan weekly
  • Cut back my days at our business to 3 days a week
  • Care for my mom 3 days a week
  • YouTube videos and blog posts a minimum of 1/week

Suffice it to say, it is a busy schedule.  I’m a pencil and paper girl and Mike likes his schedule and planning online.  Regardless of how you do your planning, it is best to have it written somewhere where it can be reviewed and revised.  

I am using 2 planners.  They are very different.  The first is the Homemaker’s Friend by Sue Hooley and it is a daily planner.  This is my 5th year to use her planner and I love it.  You can find it in our Amazon store here.  I’ve also linked the Zebra pens I use there as well.

Commit 30 daily planner

The second planner I’m using is Commit 30.  It is a daily/hourly planner that focuses on reaching your goals through 30 day increments.  This can be found on the Commit 30 website.

This is my first year to use the Commit 30 planner, so I’ll let you know how it goes in the future.

My biggest goal this year is to remain healthy through clean eating and moving my body.  I sometimes feel as if I’m slowing down and I want to stay in Phase 2 for many years to come.  I want to live life to the fullest and enjoy each and every day God gives me. 

As a reminder, Phase 2 in our life is when we are becoming empty nesters and around retirement time.  Phase 3 in our life is when our health declines.

Please feel free to share your plans and goals for 2023 in the comments below.  Also, if you haven’t yet, consider subscribing to our YouTube channel.  We are trying to continue growing with it.  Thank you.

Make it a great Living Phase 2 day friends,
