Happenings Over the Weekend

Weekends are such a blessing. Mike continues to work full time on our business, Apple Spice. I, however, have cut back to 4 days a week most weeks so about 30 hours a week for me. So weekends give us a chance to unwind and recharge.
We spent this weekend with Mike working on the snow plow and me doing some menu planning and creating a shopping list for this next week. We went to church and had dinner with our daughter Emily and her family. Family brings us so much joy. Emily and Matt have twin boys who are four months old. One of the little guys has a cleft lip and palate. He also has a third cleft between his esophagus and thorax which is why he requires an NG tube for his feedings at this time.

Often times before heading into Apple Spice I will help Emily by doing this little guy’s morning feeding. So while having dinner with them I had the opportunity to do his evening feeding. He has had his initial surgery just over a week ago and the surgeon closed his lip and created a nostril. In about seven weeks he will have a patch inserted into the cleft between his esophagus and thorax. We are hopeful that at that time they will be able to remove the NG tube.
Since his surgery, we have been babysitting their dogs, so we say we are babysitting the grand dogs, and boy do the grand dogs like attention!
I hope your weekend was as recharging as ours was and that you have an amazing week!