Turning Hobbies into Income

While in the second phase of life, either pre-retirement or early retirement we are often re-evaluating our current career or life situation and determining at what we want our work-life balance to look like.
It is common during this phase to look at the entire picture of our lives. If we are retired, we may feel at a loss as to what to do with our time. If working, we may feel tied to our current career due to retirement benefits, insurance and more. Although we may feel tied to this career, we may be finding that it is time for a change. This could be due to many causes such as our changing family dynamics, changing health, changing work environment, stress, changes in the current demands in our lives, insufficient pay, workplace harassment and the list goes on.
Once we have made the decision that we want to make a change, but are unsure of what to do next, here is a good first place to consider.
Make a list of your hobbies and interests.
If you weren’t at work right now, what would you like to be doing? Below is a list of ideas that might just spark a jumping off point leading to a second income or even a second career.
- Writing: blogging, books, magazine, newspaper, or online articles
- Graphic design
- Woodworking, carpentry
- Photography, video
- Sports: coaching, refereeing
- Music: teaching, playing
- Crafts: selling, teaching
- Website design
- Social media: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and more
- Buying and selling: antiques, Ebay etc.
- Personal shopping for others
- Baking and cooking
- Gardening and landscaping
- Reviewing: products, movies
- Interior design: sewing furniture covers or sewing curtains and bedding
- Pet care
- Travel: writing reviews and articles, being a local guide to visitors coming into your city
- Fitness: Instructor, coach

What is on your list of things you enjoy doing? Once you have made your list, then spend some time brainstorming ways your interests can generate an income. You may just find that the interests you have could potentially generate a supplemental income or may even replace your current income and more!
This is part 1 of 2 in turning hobbies into income. Next time, I will share with you how I’ve turned my hobbies into a significant income for our family.
Make it a great day friends,